Day three and were still alive and well. If you didn't pick up on it already the title is my interpretation of the way most locals talk around here, translation "Getting the hang of it". Some of our biggest challenges have simply been understanding what the heck the locals are saying. Try to imagine this, mix a Jamaican and British accent together, then talk REAL quite and mumble at the same time... almost completely incomprehensible. There are a few locals we've met who are loud and jovial who are quite entertaining and easy to understand but they are rare.
(Above) Megan Peering off one of the patios on campus.
(Below) Half way up the hike to the top of campus... notice the steep steps? huf huf!!
(Below) Megan strolling along one of the black sand beaches, notice the campus in the background.
(Above) A view of the other direction of the black sand beach, this one is very little but very pretty.
(Below) There are some HUGE places on the mountains across and around our apartment... looking closely it's hard to tell if it's one giant house or divided into a million apartments, either way it's teetering on a steep hillside, luckily no landslides that I am aware of here.
(Above) This is just the view from the drive way of our apartment complex looking up the hill.
(Above) Driving in Grenada is an interesting experience. I could write a whole story on it. To start with they drive on the wrong side, err I mean left side of the road. The good old British influence. Which to us Americans is un-nerving. Horns are used as a warning anytime you pass a pedestrian, or anytime a cab is trying to hail you... yes there is NO problem getting a cab OR Bus here. They both honk, slow down and ask if they can pick you up no matter where in the street they are. Lanes as can kind of be seen above are just... ehh well guidelines i guess. Everyone passes any where they can at any time, if there is room for two cars on the road then they drive side by side until they find a parked car, curb, pedestrian or some other obstacle in there way. At this point they honk once and slide back into single file. It works, it's just scary as hell to wittiness. There are very few signal lights... only one that I can recall and it's only for a left turn. But there are LOTS of round abouts... again unnerving going the WRONG way. No one really stops at these, they just kinda merge at speed, some how it works, but I prefer to close my eyes and try not to think about the lack of seat belts, or maintenance.
We made a quick trip to the beach today, Grand Anse Beach, rated one of the top 10 beaches in the world by National Geographic. I have to say it was pretty nice. The watter was comfortably cool, and quite lovely. Didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to leave my camera on the beach, perhaps next time...
One last item I didn't have the camera with us for... A vet who graduated from SGU told us most Vet students don't bring animals down but almost all of them bring one back. We can see how now. At first the thought of wild dogs wondering around is scary, but once you witness how sweet most these dogs are and how much care they need it's easy to see why so many have been adopted. Case in point: My beautiful wife and I walked down to the market to grab some food for dinner, a dog greeted us about 1/3rd of the way there and "led us" the rest of the way to the market, constantly looking back to make sure we were following him, happily wagging his tail. We entered the market, did our thing there, and came out about 30 min later. The dog just re-appeared out of no where next to us and just followed on our heels most the rest of the way home. It was hard not to stop and pet him but if we had he would have followed us ALL the way home and that would have made Jasper and Felicity just a tad jealous...
So much happens in a day here i'd need days just to tell all about it... Oh don't forget we have an "805" area code number which anyone can call for free and we can call anywhere in the US for free so don't hesitate to call. Shoot me a comment or email if you need our number.
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